浏览人数 : 6775 发布时间 : 2020.09.18


2019美国建筑大师奖(Architecture MasterPrize™)于近日揭晓,栖城设计「腾讯武汉研发中心」获得商业建筑类别设计大奖。

The Architecture MasterPrize announced the 2019 winners recently. TENCENT (WUHAN) R&D CENTER by GN (Shanghai) Architecture Design Office Co. Ltd. has been awarded in the Architectural Design - Commercial Architecture category.


每年有来自世界各地数以万计的设计师参与到美国建筑大师奖Architecture MasterPrize™(AMP),这个奖项旨在推动设计行业发展,改善人们生活品质,由成立于1985年的Farmani集团组委会联合耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、纽约时报及Dezeen、Architecture Digest等机构媒体主办

The Architecture MasterPrize was assembled by the Farmani Group, an organization curating and promoting art, design and architecture across the globe since 1985. The mission of the Architecture MasterPrize (AMP) is to advance the appreciation and exposure of quality architectural design worldwide.




As the first office building beside Tangxun Lake, the project needs to solve and alleviate the rapid iteration of demands and consequent conflicts via the design. The five-storey building covers a total construction area of 75,000 sqm. The plane is shaped by fold lines, which were used three times. The building is linearly stretched along the lake, creating more viewable angles of lake scenery. On each floor, maximized office area is supported by multiple vertical traffic cores. In this way, efficient communication and collaboration are achieved, along with intensive and flexible use of space.

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